Thursday 29 June 2017


Just if you are wondering what Rapaki looks like here's a picture.

Wednesday 28 June 2017


I sailed back to the mainland. I wanted to get a machete to open coconuts. Now it is much easier to open coconuts. I hope to make a bowl

Tuesday 27 June 2017


Boats have to make power for themselves. Some boats use solar panels, some use wind generators, some use petrol or diesel generators. Solar panels use the sun to get power, it makes the least sound. Wind generators need alot of wind to get power, if it is just spinning slowly it does no work but they can work when it's dark. Petrol or diesel generators are very very noisy and can get annoying! We have solar panels.

Monday 26 June 2017


I wanted a coconut but I couldn't climb up the coconut tree. Luckily one fell down so I sprinted to  grab it.  The coconut was old, brown and bumpey. Dad and I threw it up to knock down a green coconut.  We took both back to Rapaki. We hammered the green coconut open with an axe and knife. It tasted juicy and sweet, yum! The flesh was soft and white. We need to buy a machete for next time. 

Sunday 25 June 2017

NZ and Fijian Navy board Rapaki

We thought we might have been in trouble when the NZ and Fijian Navy boat came on board but they were just checking we had a cruising permit. We did!

Flying to Fiji

Dad has arrived in Fiji and is anchored onboard Rapaki.
I'm taking the easy way up to Fiji and fly up today - only 4 hours flying compared to Dad's 8 day sail!

Friday 23 June 2017

Rapaki heads to Fiji

You can check out Rapaki’s progress from Tauranga to Fiji at:
Rapaki left New Zealand on Monday 12 June with my Dad, Pete, as captain and my Uncle Steve and our friend Ailie on board.  Rapaki should get to Fiji early next week – it takes about 8 days.